
Never would have dreamed………….

I never would have dreamed that it would be this hard.  I had such a streak, such a long time that things were so easy but now it seems that all of that is gone.  It appears that not even one thing about doing WW or this healthy eating journey is coming easy anymore.  I can’t seem to get off my butt and do some real good grocery shopping.  I can’t seem to re-do some bad habits.  I can’t seem to get any enjoyment out of eating healthy food.  I can’t seem to kick the desire for junk food.  The only thing that I have managed to stay really faithful and good at is my running.

Once again I am going to start over today.  Hoping for the best I forge ahead realizing that “IT IS WHAT IT IS” right now.  I can’t change anything that has already happened and I can’t change everything all at once and be exactly where I want to be.  It will take time, it will take work, it will take many days where victories must out number the defeats.

I don’t feel much capable of encouraging others on their health journey.  I am barely hanging on to my own journey right now.  It is nice to know though that I am on this road with so many others. Gotta go to work now.  See ya later.

14 Responses to “Never would have dreamed………….”

  1. October 20, 2009 at 5:23 am

    You have already been such an encouragement to so many people. You are a strong, determined person and I’m confident that you’ll pull through this…and will see those victories you speak of. It IS hard, but think of how far you’ve come already. I’m pulling for you!

  2. October 20, 2009 at 6:08 am

    OMGosh, i am in the same exact place! I was 11 pounds from goal and WHAM. I started backsliding a half pound or so here, there. Now I’m 13 pounds from goal (still close, but…) and I’m always HUNGRY. Dang it. LOL. Cracking open my week 1 WW booklet…

  3. 3 RobFitness
    October 20, 2009 at 7:54 am

    I’m right here with you brother. All I seem to be good at is my strength training workouts. need to really find balance with my eating as well. That truly seems to be the toughest challenge of them all. You would think that since we have been doing this for awhile, it would be easier and second nature. There goes that thinking down the drain. I will and I know you will too keep at it and work even harder to get were we were. I really do understand what you are going through… if there is anything I can do to help, give me a shout out 🙂

  4. 4 Pam
    October 20, 2009 at 11:54 am

    Thank you for this. Not that I’m rejoicing in your struggles… but sometimes it’s good to know that I’m not alone in the battles we all face in this weight loss journey. You inspired me to write about my own struggles on my blog today too.

  5. 5 teresa
    October 20, 2009 at 2:28 pm

    I know where you are coming from friend. Hang in there.

  6. October 20, 2009 at 7:41 pm

    Your not alone Jason. I am starting over too. 🙂

    Just remember “The plan works…if YOU work the plan”.


  7. October 20, 2009 at 11:05 pm

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  8. October 21, 2009 at 2:28 am

    I”m not going to say all the things that I am told when I am having a hard time. We have all heard them. We know it’s a journey, we are going to have hard times, etc. etc. People mean well and it is nice that they are trying to encourage us, but sometimes we don’t want to hear it. We know all that already especially if we go to weight watchers. Recently I had a bad weigh in and I told the lady weighing me in, “Please don’t tell me not to be hard on myself, or that it’s not that bad, or that I bound to have a week like this hear and there.” She just looked at me and said, “OK.”

    So Jason, what I will say is I understand, I’m sorry, and I’m here for you in whatever way you need me. You know my email. You know where to find me and I want to support you however that looks to you.

    Take care my friend. You are incredible. We love ya.

  9. 10 AmyJoGo
    October 21, 2009 at 10:10 am

    I’m sorry it’s been so hard lately. Know that you are in my prayers.

    You continue to inspire me.


  10. 12 Sheila
    October 21, 2009 at 5:43 pm


    When I first found your blog last year I felt the same way you do now. I had just experienced a very bad case of PF and I hadn’t been running for months.

    The running was the glue that kept the seams (literally and figuratively) from busting.

    It is what kept me eating to fuel instead of for all the other reasons I eat.

    It is what kept the demons in my head, the negative self-talk fat-head ones, from speaking too loudly.

    It is what kept me, a person who lives alone and moved away from her home/friends of 20 years from holing up in my quiet house with food, TV and my computer for company.

    When I stopped running, everything fell apart. So my friend, whatever you do – keep running!
    Whenever you need to know that someone out there gets where you’re at RIGHT NOW, know that I’m out here reading your blog and sending you strength in waves to tackle each day’s challenges.

    (I am still 50 lbs over my goal weight now, and although I’m back to “running” 12+min miles like when I started I have been getting out there several times a week training for the first half-marathons I’ve done “since my fall” – (Pittsburgh Nov 1st and Las Vegas Dec 6th).


  11. October 22, 2009 at 5:03 am

    Hi Jason…
    First off you are human we all are, not perfect beings, but ones with lots of emotions and sometimes dealing with life, even when it is good it is hard!
    I always remind myself that ‘good things don’t come for free’ and it is true with anything, I have started to work on the ’emotional side of me’ why do I do this to myself over and over, I am well aware of the cause of my reaction and gaining weight back, still working on how to get back to that emotional state of ‘this is easy to do’.

    I am learning there is a difference between struggling and working hard to make good choices, fighting myself is a losing battle (and not in the weight department) so I am working on changing that mindset for myself.

    I started running again, it feels good, but is more challenging with extra weight. I have continued to exercise all along, just different stuff. This feels good. Keep doing what feels good and make a committment to start over every day. I am with you on this journey as are so many others.

    Thank you for sharing and know that you are not alone. Acceptance of self is key.

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