Posts Tagged ‘sod removal


Landscaping before and after pics. Planting bed design.

Well, the stone company who was going to come and move my stone table had a break down on their forklift thing.  They did not come and move the table so I could not build the patio or the fire pit.  I was very very disappointed with this.  I still had a lot to do though.  I had a friend come and help me yesterday.  That was nice and a lot got down.  One of the things we did was design the planting bed on part of my driveway.  I transplanted and moved a couple of plants around, removed sod with a pick (no sod cutter this time), and mulch the area.  It was pretty darn hard.  I also tried to remove the basketball hoop but the person installed it into about a 2 foot by 4 foot pillar of concrete and we just could not move it.  Anyhoo, here are the before and after pictures of the planting bed.  In the future, there is going to be a small concrete paver pad in the middle of this bed.  That work and those pictures will came some time later.  It is hard to see the plants but the change in the bed is dramatic.  By the way, I am very sore from the work today.  It is a lot of work to removed sod with a pic but it is easier than using a shovel. All in all, I burned around 400-500 calories on this part of the days landscaping work.

Before I removed the sod for the planting bed

Before I removed the sod for the planting bed


THis is a before shot of a planting bed prior to sod removal

THis is a before shot of a planting bed prior to sod removal


This is an after picture of the planting bed

This is an after picture of the planting bed


This is the after picture

This is the after picture


A little late, but worth the read/look!

 This pic was taken last summer when I started my landscaping project.  As I have said before, I removed enough lawn to reduce my mowing time by 1.5 hours.  The pic below was taken after I used a sod cutter to remove the lawn and then I rolled it up.  After that, I had to load a tractor with the rolls and move it to another giant heep of landscape refuse.  I was all happy about removing the sod but once I got it to this point I got serverely over taken with anxiety because the job was just to huge.  I did it though.  The picture below is the former view of the screening bed on the property line between me and my neighboor.  Removing the sod gave the lawn and bed a very nice informal flowing shape.  By the way, those rolls weigh around 60 lbs each.  It took me about a week to remove all the rolls from all the sod that I cut.  This picture shows only about half of the sod that I removed but it is a great demonstration of the vast amount of rolled sod.

sod removal landscape

 So below is the pic I put up the other day.  This was taken from pretty much the same view point as the above pic.  What a difference it made.  Along with the beautiful trees I will plant several Osier Willows, Red and Yellow twig dogwoods, and lost of Spireas.  I will leave most of the shrub plantings to wait until fall because I have no way to easily water this area at the moment.  It is to far from the house to water by hand.  The trees will be fine but the shrubs would need more careful watering.


10 ft. cedars are now planted.

10 ft. cedars are now planted.