
Week 18: The Way Of My Day/week/world

Source: Week 18: The Way Of My Day/week/world



Great blog from my buddy Erik


OBPThe Old Blueprint has given me a real shot in the last 10 days or so. As much as I would like to tell you different, I went ahead and jumped right on in, too. I would also love to be able to tell you that I handled it rearing its ugly head with equanimity. However, that would be a lie.

Of course, the whole drift started with some insignificant items, one being a small tiff with a former co-volunteer, who was inconvenienced by something I did differently than he might have, a couple of frustrating and completely illogical time consuming breakdowns; one being my internet service and the modem I use, another a seeming meltdown of business processing at an otherwise reliable source.  Add some very minor family drama and an incipient lecture from a completely unqualified and ignorant self-appointed authority (whose ministry I avoided, at least I didn’t sign up…

View original post 435 more words


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What does running mean to YOU???


This was the sunset at my 24 hour race

This was the sunset at my 24 hour race

This was my 30th marathon or ultra since I started running.  I have had one DNF during those 30 races.  Each race is always unique in it’s interpersonal experience.  Each time I learn something new and useful for my life even if I don’t hit my “number” goal. Which brings me to reason for this post………my most profound lessons of this Across The Years 24 Hour Race.

  • I am finding as I get along in my running life, that the “number” (finish time, distance, etc) may not be the most important part of the race at all.  Sure it gives me a goal to work and train toward but is the number the thing that brings me the most lasting benefit?  For me, I don’t think so.  I am working toward a most powerful and awesome paradigm shift where the goal of the race is more for me to get what I needed from the race rather than achieving a certain finish time or distance.  I have decided I want running to be a tool FOR my life, not my ENTIRE life.  This is cool to me because I can never lose and I can always make sure that I improve MY LIFE instead of just my running.
  • After seeing so many people at the race hobbling around at the start of the race as though they had just finished the race (you know what I am talking about if you run these), I have decided I NEVER want that for my life.  I like to run and run long but I don’t want to be older walking like I do when I am at 60 miles.  I realized that I want a more well rounded fitness and vibrancy and seeking the numbers of the ultra game are not of the most importance for me.  I want a vibrant peppy step, a good range of motion, and over all fluidity to my stride and self.
  • I also learned that making these ultra’s or marathons a part of an overall family vacation and fun time makes them much more meaningful.  It also brings gladness and joy to the family seeing all the awesome runners out there doing their best which inadvertently seeps into the family’s hearts to inspire them.  It also brings me closer to them knowing how much they love me and prove it by sitting in the cold night of a 24 hour race not only encouraging me but the other runners as well.  How cool is that, that I can do something that mostly brings out the best in all of us DURING a vacation!!!!!!!!
  • I realized that this is totally a fringe group of society, which is kinda cool but at the same time it is WAAAAAY smaller than us who do the events think it is.  Nobody cares about these races LOL.  Not one of the many MANY people I mentioned the race to had ever heard of it and many lived only miles from the world class event.  This put it all in perspective for me which really was a catalyst for much of my paradigm shift.  These events have to be done for me/you, of course there is praise from family and friends but mostly they think it’s insane.  Heck even my running coach thinks its crazy.  That is why I want to start focusing on my inner world and personal growth while using these races as a tool as apposed to an end.

Testing myself with these runs is amazing every time, and I think with my new perspective they will only become a more truly useful friend in my life rather than my life itself.

If you want a more “heady” exposition of the personal growth aspects of the race go to my personal growth blog.

Peace out!























Running 24 hours- Most wonderful discovery of all!

IMG_20141224_161833137I prepped all my stuff tonight that I didn’t mail ahead of time for my big 24 hour race this weekend.  I head out tomorrow for the race and I am ready as I can be for it.  My goal is to go beyond 63 miles for this race because it is actually kind of a training run for my favorite and big goal race in May, but I am not tied to the outcome so much.  Hell, I mean the journey to get here alone is life and body changing.  If I hit my goal……AWESOME……….if I don’t……….AWESOME.  I put the work in for this and should be able to get it but stuff happens in life and running but knowing that I did my best and kept my promise to train and get to the starting line means the most of all. Which brings me to the most wonderful discovery of all.

  • I/We are capable of so much more than we think at a particular point.

I am doing this, I did the training, and I used to be just some dude that never exercised and ate fast food all the time.  Don’t believe me, check this out.  I started at some point not ever having run before and had no idea that I could do this but I worked hard for my future self so that he could be the best he could be.  I know you may not want to run 25, 50, 63, or 100 miles but what DO you want to do.  I bet that you can do far more than you think right now.  Just chip away at your vision……..your goal, with an open heart that keeps the ultimate goal of personal growth as the foundation.  YOU CAN DO THAT THING YOU DREAM OF!

You can check out a little more about how I stay mentally tough in life, training, and this race here.


Time For The Big Race?

Running down a small decline in a pretty sun exposed section of the course nearing the end of my journey.

Running down a small decline in a pretty sun exposed section of the course nearing the end of my journey.

This is it!  I have put the time and miles in for the Across The Years race.  I lost a bunch of weight, got in much better condition, and persisted through all sorts of ups and downs.  The funny thing is that this is not even my goal race but it’s a stepping stone ya know!  HAHAHA.  Who the hell makes a 24 hour race a stepping stone to a goal race LOL.

I shipped my supplies to my friend who live near the race and I am ready to roll.  I plan to run 3 minutes and walk 2 for as long as I can, once the “as long as I can” point comes I am going to walk first then run when possible.  My goal is to go beyond 63 miles which is my previous distance PR.  It’s gonna hurt but it’s gonna be a fantastic growing experience.

Wish me luck!!!


One aspect of mental toughness for runners

reality-check-ahead-signMental toughness is REALLY important for runners of all types.  Being mentally tough makes us better athletes.  Some people have found a way to become more mentally tough even when they aren’t running.

Everyone knows that not running, when you are a runner, is tough…..but have you ever thought about how you can mental train yourself to be more tough by demonstrating mental toughness during an injury?  That’s right, you can continue to train even when you can’t train by enhancing your mental toughness during a time of despair.  Taking a break from running is not so easy sometimes, it takes it’s own type of endurance, and you can use this to your benefit.

Here’s how:

  1. Think positively- Oh yes, easier said than done for sure.  During a hiatus, it’s important to practice substituting negative guilty feelings with positive grateful ones as fast as  you can when the negative thoughts hit you.  This practice will really help you when you are back on your feet in a race.
  2. Train your mind by challenging yourself with exercise you don’t like as much.  This will help you when you reach that HUGE freaking hill that you don’t like in the race since you know you can do what you don’t like to do now.
  3. Relax and think long term.  You know how at the beginning of a marathon or 50 miler you don’t just sprint your way to the end???????????????????????  You don’t do that because it’s not wise and won’t get you what you want.  Think like this when it comes to taking a break because of injury.  Long term health and vigor are the most important in the end, plus………relaxing is imperative to your success while running as well.
  4. Use the spare time to FINALLY spend a Sunday with people you love since you can’t be out on the road for 5 hours.  This will help you be more joyful while you are running as well.
  5. Stay mentally tough by making sure that you eat properly since you are not burning all those calories like you were when you were training hard.  This goes back to #4 and long term health.  You will also be feeling better if you kept at your current weight when you get back to running.

Those are some simple tips that will help you increase your mental toughness when you can’t increase it by running!


Losing your identity? Injuries!

running identity prisonSo after my super long training weekend a week and a few days ago, I found my knee hurting in a way that was not normal.  This is how it goes with doing these long runs and that is why listening to your body and being observant is so important while training and racing.  This week I have tried to run a few times only to find that my knee still hurt within the first 100 yards or so and this COULD be very discouraging.  In fact, this close to a race it could be down right devastating to some.  For me though, not so much.  Why you ask???????? Here is why:

RUNNING IS NOT MY IDENTITY!  I love running, I love what running does for my body and mind, I love what I learn about life from running…………………but running is not the only thing.  I have been where running and what it does for me was my identity but not anymore.  There is a lot to life and it is pretty normal to feel that without that “one thing” that you love that you would not be who you are.  For some it is that significant other, or a job, or drugs, or whatever……and the thought of losing any of those “one things” brings up fear in most to the point that they will cling to the thing to their own detriment.

Running is a vehicle for many things.  It adds enjoyment and vigor to my life.  If I couldn’t run anymore I don’t want to be in a spot where I can’t enjoy life or live with vigor.  I mean do you wan to lose your vigor or enjoyment of life because only one aspect is not working out in it?????  I doubt it, but this may have not ever crossed your mind.  It’s great to have focus but you also have to have the ability to adjust to life to keep it invigorating and lively.

So despite this set back, I know that I am ok and that my body will be ok and that I can accomplish all that I want in life even if I can’t run.  I am not at the place where I can’t run anymore and hope I never get there, but for now I need to back off a bit to heal up and I am happy as ever!

Try not to see your life as a prison just because you can’t do a particular thing!


BACON! Pics of my bacon explosion for tomorrows xmas party

Today I put together the nemesis of weight watchers.  The Bacon Explosion!   Two pounds of pork sausage, two pounds of bacon, BBQ sauce, and BBQ spices.  I am making it for our company xmas party which is tomorrow night.  Here are some pics.  I better save up ALOT of points for my WW eh???  I will have a great week of running next week luckily so should be no problem earning enough activity points.



Last big one done, on the road to the race……

GetAttachment.aspx50 miles!  I did it!  I got my last long run in this weekend before my big 24 hour push on December 28th.  I was so excited to have gotten fit enough to do this long of a run and I feel once again that I am an Ultra-Runner.  That feels good and it took a lot of patience, training, wisdom, and passion.  I didn’t get through it unscathed though.  I hurt my knee a bit in the areas you see in that picture.  I don’t believe it’s an injury but it is talking to me and I always listen to my body to ensure the long term goal of fitness and health.  I mean who cares how far I can run if when I am done I can’t run anymore for 5 months or ever again potentially.

The run was pretty dramatic also.  It rained/snow/hailed three different times during the run and it was very cold, I lost my head band that kept my ears warm somehow (you’d be amazed at how hazy your brain works after so many hours), and my ipod died early so I couldn’t listen to my recordings for MKMMA.  Nonetheless, I finished this puppy and it took me about 10 months to get to this point again after a long vacation from running and being health conscious.  I feel back more than ever and am on my way to keeping on keeping on one step at a time.

Things for the readers to remember:

  • Stuff takes time.  I have been doing this stuff for years even though I took a big break in the middle of it all.  When I started this journey at my all time high weight years ago, I couldn’t even barely walk 2 miles.  I kept at it and it is worth it all the way.  Be patient with yourself, love yourself, and listen to yourself.
  • It’s painful at times.  It hurts to run 50 miles.  There is no getting around it.  And if you have never run or exercised, it is gonna hurt to walk 2 miles just like it did for me.  It hurts a bit to get on the scale to see you are bigger than ever, or see that after a year on the weight loss journey you gained 3 pounds one week. Take all of this pain and be objective about it.  Don’t judge yourself, just take it as info that can help you succeed down the road.
  • You can do it too.  I truly and honestly believe that just about anybody can run 50 miles, but most people would never want to and I get that.  Here’s the thing though, you can do FAR more than what you currently believe that you can do.  Begin to believe THAT and things will start to change.
  • Starting is the biggest challenge.  Getting to the starting line is the biggest thing you can do.  No reason to wait until xmas is over, or the holiday temptations are done.  “Do it now”.

Faster, Rainy’r, longish run!


This weekend I had a half-marathon to run on my own out on the curvy hilly roads of my hood.  The task was to keep a faster pace.  Often when training for really long races and runs, I do shorter runs at harder paces to keep myself in shape for shorter distances and this ultimately creates faster longer distances. It rained like crazy.  For about 3/4 of the run.  I took this pic because this little river developed in a matter of only about 20 minutes.  The cool thing is that instead of dread the rain or hate it, I turned my mind to loving it by realizing it was a cleansing run that was refreshing!  Awesome huh??? Did you realize that you can DECIDE how to think about something…….even rain during your run.  And that if you do this in a positive way it will help you in the rest of your life.  I think that that’s pretty darn cool. So next week I have a long run weekend again.  I will post about it then but I have to go about 50 miles in a 24 hour period and that will be my last long run before I hit the road for the Across the years race in Arizona. Wish me luck!



Most of you would probably laugh if you could hear what song I was listening to.  I only know of one person who knows the song other than me. HAHAHAHA.

Anyway, I am in a place I never would have dreamed I would be.  Tonight, I have found comfort in that there are many of you who are at a place where you never thought you would be right now.  Life happens, things get all out of hand, and then the dust settles around you while you think, “Damn!!! What the heck happened”.  HAHAHAHA.  Sometimes we do this to ourselves and sometimes others do it to us.  As  I showered tonight I pondered on the similarity of experiencing an affair and obesity.  I found one common thread, they lead you to a moment in time where you are in a place you never thought you would be.  This is how it goes.  We eat and we grow and we eat and we grow.  We never dreamed of one day being BIG or FAT or CHUNKY!  That is not what we aspired to.  Nor did I dream or hope for what I went through.  I guess I am just trying to say that I had a tiny revelation that me, you, people, often times find themselves not being the person they wanted to be.  Or maybe just being the person they didn’t want to be.  Or one day we might just have this tiny moment where we see with such clearity that we know we aren’t where we are at but we also see that there is a way to where we are going.

Right now is right now.  We are here.  What can we do about then!  THere is so much hope.  There is so much promise for our futures.  There will still be many more valleys, and mountains, and hurts, and a pains.  But we don’t need to eat over them.  We don’t need to give up over them.  If you find yourself in the wrong painting or in a circumstance of life that is not anywhere near what you dreamed of, do not give up hope.  You may be big right now.  That is ok!!!  You are you!  And I know you don’t want to be big but it will take time.  It is going to be ok.  THis can be done.  You are in a place and now you are going to a place.  A new place.


Better than the runners HIGH!

Today was a fantastic run.  I am currently in this totally awesome course called MKMMA and this is part of why this run was so awesome today.  If you have never put your voice to music so you can listen to your vision in life while you run I highly recommend it.  So I was out there on the normal beaten path of the sidewalk I hit most days of the week, IMG_20141117_084159401when all of a sudden my ipod just came to life.  I even shed a tear about this.

It was a super cold brisk sunny day and I was intently listening to myself with some awesome background music tell myself how awesome my life was and how much I am and am going to accomplish.  The exertion of running, the cold air going into my lungs, the sound of my voice and the sun all came together and everything seemed so certain, so ok, so RIGHT! Now that is an awesome feeling that beats any runners high hands down.  My body felt great, my mind felt great, my heart felt great, and my emotions felt great.  Wish all of my runs felt this way but I have a hunch that more of them will be like this in the future.

The basics of todays run was 4 miles slower and easy with the last two miles headed home at a hard pushing pace.  Nothing was stopping me today.  So while I am on top of the mountain for now, I wanted to share with you that so much is possible for you, so much is in you, SO MUCH.  Even if you can’t see it or feel it, it is there.  Ask yourself the simple question: What do I really want my life to be? Then just sit there and think about it……when it comes to you……WRITE IT DOWN.  Then put it to some music if you can. Ask me how in the comments if your curious.  Peace out!


I gotta learn to tape my feet

I was talking to my coach today about a few blister spots that I get on the super long runs.  So I set out to search for a way to tape my feet as I have never done it before.  I found this http://trailandultrarunning.com/foot-taping/ and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to tape feet or endure the torture of ultra-running.


Long runs teach you about life!

The is a picture from the last mile of my weekends long run

The is a picture from the last mile of my weekends long run

One of the things that I love about my weekend long runs is that I always learn something about life.  I have said it so many times……running, especially longer runs that really push you mentally, mimic life.  Each long run is unique and each one tests you in a new and different way.  There are ups, and downs, and ups, and downs.  So this weekend while putting in my 46 miles of training, I learned/remembered these two secrets.

  •  There comes a time where you eventually have to give up all hope that your negative thinking is going to get you to where you are going faster, get you home easier, and  that thinking like this will make it better. (That’s a link to better thinking!) 
  • During these long runs AND life, you finally get to a place where you humbly bow down to the fact that everything you want in life (and getting home from a run) is gained one step at a time.
  • Ultrarunning ain’t no microwave and neither is life.  It doesn’t happen easily or fast!

Can you do this?

calf injuryI had a 10 mile variable speed run the other day.  Four minutes at 9 minute pace, 1 minute at FASTER pace, then two minutes walking.  When you are training for your big race it is ALWAYS important to read your body.  Some people cant’ do it and some can I guess.  That’s what I have heard but I am pretty good at it.  I think the ONLY reason I am good at it other than being an introspective person is that I keep the long term perspective in mind.

Back to that hard run.  It was pretty long and had a lot of hills.  By five miles my legs had a “pump” like when you are lifting weights, they were burning, and my Achilles were a bit painful.  I could have keep on, I could have overpowered my body with my mind, but instead I went the wise route.  I READ MY BODY.  WHY????  Because I know not getting injured and keeping on the road is far better for my progress than making it 10 miles with an injury that potential could put me out for awhile.  It is so easy to get impatient with ourselves or our progress.  Just remember, if you lose 20 pounds this year it is really like 30 because you would’ve gained 10 if you didn’t do anything.  Long term baby, long term.

Do you feel you are good at reading your body???


Time For Recess, Glee in Life

School at recessI had a most wonderful experience while running today.  That’s not so normal for a speed work day hahaha.  At the five mile or so mark I was round a corner, I was listening to Les Brown on my IPOD at the time when all of a sudden I heard GLEE!!!!!  I head chitter chatter, laughing, joy, contentment, and LIFE.  Keep in mine I heard this over my IPOD.  That is amazing in and of itself.  I looked to my right and there it was, a school playground full of kids kicking balls, swinging, running, talking, and all manner of lively things we all used to do.  It brought so much joy to my run today.  I even stopped to walk slowly so I could take the sound in and even took a pic for the blog.



I do, but I normally don’t, so my best advice is to be observant…….even during a speed work out LOL.  Because something this simple can turn the page in your life if you take it seriously and ask yourself some good questions!  Peace out!


Today’s run was a refreshing success!

Here I am waiting for race walker champion Tammi.  Fellow blogger who won the race walk division.  I am also getting teared up by watching everyone push through and finisher their own marathon

Here I am waiting for race walker champion Tammi. Fellow blogger who won the race walk division. I am also getting teared up by watching everyone push through and finisher their own marathons

I had a 6 mile run today where I took it easy for the first 4 miles then kicked it into high gear for the last 2 miles.  It was raining the whole time but after reading Og Mandino’s Scroll 2 I loved the rain as a cleansing of my spirit.  An my spirit was soaring after this run.  My body felt great during and after the run, my mind was in full force positive, and my hope for the future was engaged in the now.  I guess I am saying that I am very thankful that my run went well today.  These days are a gift to be cherish.  These days are the days that make keeping on easier.  These are the types of runs that you remember when you are sucking wind wondering why you are running at all.  We all have hard days……….and that’s ok.  Just do your best and know that you are headed in the direction you yearn to be heading in.  Peace


Two months until Across the Years 24 hour race

This is the story of the original Strolling Jim Horse

This is the story of the original Strolling Jim Horse

Well I have been running, doing weight watchers, and really striving towards new heights this past month.  So far this month I have been able to train my mind and body pretty well with two runs in the 35-40 mile range over the weekend.  Man these runs are tough but so satisfying at the same time especially when I KNOW that they are preparing me for a much more challenging race………..Across The Years.  This is a 24 hour race and my goal is to break my previous distance record of 63 miles.  I did that in 16 hours I think so I don’t think I will be there at the moment with my conditioning but the funny thing is, this isn’t the BIG goal race for me.  This race is going to really prepare my mind and body for my favorite race of all time which is the Strolling Jim 40 miler held in Wartrace, Tennessee.  This race holds a special place in my heart.  Oh, getting off track lol.

I have a few months to prepare for the 24 hour race.  Just in case you are interested in knowing what preparing for a race like this means here is a little bullet point outline

  • Visualize the race in a quiet place AND while running
  • Losing more weight and eating healthier
  • Doing some resistance training as these long ultras take their toll on many different parts of your body especially your back and shoulders
  • Running 4-5 times per week
  • Super long run every 2 or 3 week that is from 10 hours to maybe 15 once I get closer
  • Staying positive and not letting the naysayers make me believe I am crazy for striving to be my best
  • Talking it all over with a coach once per week

And finally, just keeping on keeping on with the good habits that always create a new us!


Simple ways to get out when you don’t really want too.

Starting-Up-Is-Hard-To-DoThere are times (I had them all week lol) that it feels hard or like you don’t want to get out and run, exercise, walk, etc.  So what do you do then.  How do you trick yourself into doing what you really do want to do but don’t feel like at the time.  Well, I think you have to build a habit around the thing you want to do.  Like get your running clothes on the same way and do things that create a routine around it.  So then, even when you don’t feel like doing it, if you can START the routine your mind will kick into gear and get you through the rest of the routine/habit.  So here is what I did this weekend when I didn’t want to get out there.




1.  I put on my running clothes even though I kind of intended to still skip the run.

2.  I put on my running shoes even though I was laying down on the bed.

3.  I told myself, NUMEROUS times that I could just go out and walk.  (Remember, I was supposed to run but to just go out and walk STARTS the routine ya know what I mean

4.  I stepped outside to feel what the weather was like and wake the hell up

5.  I put my watch on and got Ipod ready.

6.  I started my walk which eventually turned into a run because I was now IN my routine and it all felt pretty “right”.

That’s all folks