
Pizza is my friend. How to get your pizza in.

pizza-001Ok, you want to lose weight but you want your dang pizza too.   Can you have your pizza or not?  Yes you can! I thought that I might have to give up pizza forever when I started on my weight loss journey in Dec. 2006, but I was dead wrong thank God.  I have eaten pizza at least monthly since I started.  Sometimes more.  I could eat it weekly if I wanted to if I just planned for it with my points budget.

There are many ways to fake pizza at home.  Many of these ways are great substitutes but they are just not real enough for me to “feel” like I have eaten pizza.  They may be good alternatives but they are not the same.  Here are a couple of them.

Now these are all good options for MOST people.  Not good options for me.  If the pizza comes from stuff that is not normal in a pizza I don’t feel right.  Here is what I do for my pizza fix and it works like a charm every single time.


This pizza is the best option that I have found.  The DeLite Pizza from Papa Murphy’spacks basically the same points punch as the other pizzas options mentioned.  I found it when I was doing Atkins Diet because it was the lower carb version of pizza due to the thin nature of the crust.  I absolutely love this pizza.  Cook it for 14 minutes and you have a yummy,crispy crust, that tastes and feels like a normal pizza because basically it is a normal pizza.  I actually prefer this thin crust to the normal thickness now.  Here is some more wonderful information on these fantastic DeLites from Papa Murphys.

Here is a comparison of regular pizza and DeLite pizza.  There is a big difference in calories but not a big difference in taste.  Actually, taste is the same to me but the textures are different.

Regular pizzas range from 255-380 calories per 10th of a large.

DeLite pizzas range from 140-190 calories per 10th of a large. 

You don’t have to feel deprived ever again regarding pizza.  You can either go your own style and make it at home or you can go with the DeLite’s.  So go out and get yourself some and enjoy your pizza again without the guilt.  Do you guys have any secrets when it comes to enjoying pizza but still losing weight?  Do you like the DeLites?  What do you think about all this mumbo jumbo?  HAHAHA  Have a great day.

22 Responses to “Pizza is my friend. How to get your pizza in.”

  1. 1 Sam
    March 10, 2009 at 4:27 am

    Jason, you are so right…I want the real deal, will have to try this pizza. There is a PM near me. I am the same way about ice cream, so I allow myself to have it one time a month…better to have what you really want than to be “unstatisfied” and keep eating other things to try and get that satisfied feeling. Hope that makes sense. Smile! Sam

    • 2 run4change
      March 10, 2009 at 4:56 am

      Sam- I just don’t want fake sometimes. I don’t want healthy. This pizza is such a great option

  2. March 10, 2009 at 4:37 am

    Well I think this is a wonderful post. I feel the same way sometimes that making the healthier versions you listed just don’t compare sometimes to the Papa Murphys, etc. Unfortunately for me though there is no Papa Murphys here. I have actually joked that I’m going to build a strip mall with all my old favorite food places that I could eat at in the states that I can’t find here in Canada. Papa Murphys being one of them. lol.
    Thanks for sharing this though. I’ll definitely be letting my mom know as she is following weigh watchers and they like to buy pizza from Papa Murphys.

    • 4 run4change
      March 10, 2009 at 4:57 am

      Kari- That is a bummer that they don’t have Papa Murphy’s where you live. There is bound to be a place with a similar option. Usuallly it will be the “low carb” pizza option at a pizza place that has the lowest points because of the thin crust.

  3. March 10, 2009 at 5:24 am

    Pizza totally gets in the way of weight loss for me. I heart pizza. A lot. It’s my go-to comfort food. I try some blue menu pizzas, but then I want to eat the whole thing, which is not helpful. I’ll keep my eyes open for DeLite, hopefully they have it in Canada!

    • 6 run4change
      March 10, 2009 at 5:49 am

      Kari- just said that they don’t but maybe where you live they do. I hope so because I think you will like it. I heart pizza too 🙂

  4. 7 maggieapril
    March 10, 2009 at 5:28 am

    Homemade pizza is so easy to make. If you don’t want to mess with making dough (which is easier than you think) then you can buy it in the bakery department at the grocery store or from your favorite pizza joint. The best part with homemade is that you can load it up with veggies but go easy on the cheese which has most of the fat and calories. I can make a large portion for 8 WW points. I recommend it grilled! Jason, I know you have already been there and commented, but for others, a post about my homemade grilled pizzas can be found here: http://tastenotwaist.com/2009/01/01/a-slice-of-heaven-on-earth/.

    I think I just decided what I will be making for meals this weekend!!

  5. March 10, 2009 at 7:22 am

    Yeah no they don’t have a papa murphys here, or taco johns, or a china buffet, or erberts & gerberts. You would think that once I moved away from all my favorite food places I would have magically gotten skinny. LOL
    Me and the hubs have been experimenting with making our own crust and making yummy pizzas at home. I think the key is that we each individually make a mini pizza because he won’t eat a pizza with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, well you get the point. lol.
    Gonna go check out that new link you posted!

    • 10 run4change
      March 10, 2009 at 7:39 am

      I used to be like that. Not eating my wifes stuff because she always used veggies. i like them now though

  6. March 10, 2009 at 8:38 am

    I’m so hungry. Reading Foodie posts before mealtime is not a good idea. That pizza looks amazing.

  7. 13 RobFitness
    March 10, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    Yeah for me!!! I just found out that there is a Papa Murphy near were I live. I usually have stayed away from pizza because I was always told that there weren’t good for you, but things to change and at least it is an option for me and a healthy one as well. So if I ever decide to have some pizza at least i know were to head out to and am able to incorporate into my points for the day. Thanks a lot for the information. Now I can finally start to add a bit of variety into my life and stomach as well 🙂

  8. March 10, 2009 at 8:33 pm

    LOL What’s up with the caveman talk? “Pizza good. Same food every minute bad. Yum yum” I keep waiting for you to post a picture of you in a Fred Flintstone costume. Goofbutt.

    I’ve heard conflicting info about pizza. Some say it’s terrible and others say that when you get down to it, pizza is a somewhat healthy food since it incorporates so many different food groups (even fruit….pineapple and canadian bacon WITH green chile…personal fave).

    • 16 run4change
      March 11, 2009 at 4:56 am

      I really don’t think pizza is ever “healthy” Amy. Maybe it is though. I figure for me it is an optional but not optimal.

  9. March 11, 2009 at 5:43 am

    You’re probably right.

  10. March 11, 2009 at 12:50 pm

    Where is the Pizza Love man ? My pizza not good enough 😛 😛

  11. 21 Nikki
    March 4, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Thank you So much for this information! I (just like you) love pizza and was devestated at the thought of loosing it as a I start my weight loss journey, and I have a papa murphys right down the road. So I now have options! Thank you!

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